Women Shaping
the Future of Healthcare

Ignite Spark Hero

By unlocking the power of women leading and innovating in healthcare, we are

Improving healthcare outcomes
Tapping into new sources of innovation
Creating economic opportunity
Creating an equitable and inclusive healthcare industry

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Our Impact

Ignite is committed to unlocking opportunities for women leading and innovating in healthcare.

5 years of Ignite Accelerator and…..


Capital raised by our alumni startups.


Value created by our alumni startups.


Education and networking events held in Houston, Dallas, and online.


Alumni have connected with investors and advisors and accessed pilot opportunities with leading healthcare organizations.


Network of healthcare, executives, investors, and advisors engaging in our programs.


Investment prizes given during our annual accelerator programs.

We are here to create a healthier and more equitable world.

Ignite Spark Mentorship and Education

Mentorship & Education

Advancing and inspiring female leaders and entrepreneurs.

Ignite Spark Startup Accelerator

Startup Accelerator

Discovering, connecting, and accelerating the growth of women-led health startups.

Ignite Spark Connected Community

Connected Community

Connecting healthcare leaders, investors, and advisors seeking novel solutions to improve health and healthcare.

Ignite is transforming the character of ‘pitching’ from a “dog-eat-dog world” where you have to prove yourself to me into a ecosystem based on creating genuine value for patients, investors, and the healthcare system overall.

Thank you so much for impacting our entrepreneurial journey with such valuable experiences! We are continuing our collaboration with our health system mentor, they've been amazing!

It was great to work with an investor as my mentor on something and get their candid feedback instead of having to make an ask.

It was a truly incredible experience. Not only did I have the opportunity to speak with key stakeholders in my space, I also had the opportunity to connect with other incredible mentors.

Our investor mentor was AMAZING! We met several times and they provided very valuable information in addition to investing!

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Our Sponsors