of healthcare purchase
decisions are made by
of the healthcare
workforce is represented
by women.
of healthcare CEOs
are women.
of venture capital funds were invested in women founded startups in 2022.
Join our community to unlock industry transformation by increasing the number of women leading and innovating in healthcare.

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Join this powerful community of industry experts and become an
advisor for our programs. Ignite’s programs engage advisors in
various roles including serving as judges for pitch events,
presenters on various educational topics, and mentors to aspiring

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Explore our programs that focus solely on the success of women-led healthcare startups. Backed by a network of advisors from healthcare provider organizations, payors, medical device manufacturers, tech companies, consultancies, and law firms, these programs are a game-changer for entrepreneurs!

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Join this exclusive network for women leading and innovating in healthcare. You will expand your network by connecting with likeminded individuals who share your passion for systemic change and industry transformation.